EXHEAT Exhibits in Asia

24 Nov 2011

EXHEAT has recently attended 4 exhibitions in Asia giving a great opportunity to create new business links, as well as meet with local existing customers, such as Petronas and PetroVietnam. 

The exhibitions, held in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam, were well attended with over 26,000 visitors in total, allowing EXHEAT to maintain its reputation in as a global market leader in the design and manufacture of Electric Process Heating and Control Solutions. 

We would like to thank all of those who visited our stand throughout the events and our agents, PT Oaktech (Indonesia), Rexel General Supply Service (Thailand) & Viet-Tech (Malaysia) for their continued support and assistance at the exhibitions. 

EXHEAT has plans to attend more events in Asia over the approaching months so keep an eye on our calendar and make sure you visit our stand.

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