EXHEAT Achieves A.S.M.E. ‘U’ & National Board ‘NB’/‘R’ Certification

08 Mar 2010

EXHEAT is committed to continuous improvement ensuring that customers’ requirements are met and backed up by a level of service necessary to operate in today's global market place. Along with recently obtaining the UL Hazardous Area certification, we are pleased to announce that EXHEAT can now supply heaters to meet A.S.M.E. ‘U’ and National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel ‘R’ & ‘NB’ stamps.

A.S.M.E. ‘U’
The A.S.M.E. certification focuses on the manufacture of high pressure components, allowing EXHEAT to certify we have followed a stringent and traceable line of all components and manufacturing before the heater can be approved for operation. As part of the A.S.M.E. approval a approved third party inspector witnesses stages of the heater build from the design to final tests to ensure the heater is in accordance with the A.S.M.E. Code.

National Board ‘NB’
The National Board ‘NB’ stamp enables EXHEAT to file a manufacturers data report for each heater and pressure vessel with the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors in Columbus, Ohio.

National Board ‘R’
The National Board ‘R’ stamp covers our manufacturing facilities in accordance with National Board Inspection Code 23 that covers the rules and guidelines for in-service inspections, repair, and alteration of pressure-retaining items.

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