EXHEAT Achieves UL Certification

19 Feb 2010

EXHEAT continues to improve its range of certification to meet the specific regional standards required to compete in a global market. We can now manufacture and offer Control Panels and Systems under the UL standards UL 508A & UL 698A.

UL 508A (File No E318383):
This classification covers the manufacture of Safe Area type panels, suitable for controlling equipment typically within a Safe or Hazardous Area that do not contain any intrinsically safe circuits.

UL 698A (File No E318389):
This classification covers the manufacture of Safe Area type panels, suitable for controlling equipment typically within a Safe or Hazardous Area with intrinsically safe circuit extensions into Class I, Class II and Class III, Division 1.

If you have any requirements for a control solution meeting UL standards, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our highly trained engineers to discuss a solution.

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