EXHEAT Hosts Technical Seminars in South America

23 Mar 2014

From 10 - 14 March 2014, EXHEAT hosted technical seminars in South America, visiting Rio de Janeiro and San Paulo in Brazil, followed by Caracas in Venezuela.

Based on EXHEAT's years of experience of providing quality electrical heaters to a global audience, the technical seminars were organized as an educational session to local engineers in which knowledge transfer was key.

Positive feedback and a high level of interaction from participants proved that the seminars were a success. They were attended by representatives from companies like Veolia, AMEX, Technip, Aker Solutions, Petrobras and Siemens in Brazil, as well as professionals from Y&V Group, Pacific Rim Energy and PDVSA in Venezuela.

South America Technical Seminar EXHEAT 2014

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